Update post 30-03-22
Things have been going rather slowly if surely if terms of the progress of researching for various articles, mainly the ones concerning the speech patterns of various character arch-types in fiction.
On the personal side of things that has been quite a few changes, mainly in terms of getting into the swing of attending university again and as such the blog post schedule has been rendered a bit vacillating.
I am feeling like it would be better if I also started posting shorter articles, perhaps covering more basic if crucial parts of linguistics such as also the nitty gritty of the Japanese language, with a keener focus on the etymological reasons why that it may be so.
A massive post covering second person pronouns could very well be rendered into separate posts detailing each of them.
Do note that I am also working on the second part of the X-Men vs Street Fighter commentary translation, but it is taking some time as well.
Stay safe, everyone.